The district of “Asyrmatos” amidst the tumultuous Greek Civil War

During the “Dekemvriana” (December events), the district of “Asyrmatos” becames scene of conflict between the two combating forces. ELAS is the absolute dominant power in the neighbourhood of Petralona, whereas Thiseion is the place of action of the Organisation X, led by Georgios Grivas. It is a violent clash, leaving part of the district in rubbles. The Hill of the Muses (Philopappos) also becomes battleground. Sometime later, in the first post-war decade, the facilities of the Greek Navy are withdrawn from Ano Petralona and a complex of school buildings is constructed in the area of “Asyrmatos”.
Selected bibliography:

Vougiouka and Megaridis 2009, 59–62, 70.


Η λεγόμενη «Φυλακή του Σωκράτους» ενισχύεται με δυνατό οπλισμό μπετόν-αρμέ για να γίνει το κρησφύγετο των αρχαιοτήτων στον Β’ Παγκόσμιο Πολέμο (Εκδόσεις Ατλαντίς - Μ. Πεχλιβανίδης & ΣΙΑ).
December 5, 2018
December 5, 2018